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A round table on the topic "Support of the psychological well-being of the population

2023-10-27 | Science

Today, teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology organized a round table on the topic "Support of the psychological well-being of the population", the purpose of which was to maintain favorable conditions for the socio-social process through the preservation of psychological
the well-being of the population and increasing their adaptive capabilities. The round table was attended by teachers-psychologists, young teachers-practitioners of educational organizations. As part of the round table, the following experts shared their experience and exchanged opinions:                                                                                                                                                 ️ ⚜️ Meteorologist of the department of methodological support of the educational process of the KSU "Regional Innovation and Methodological Center" of the State Institution " Department of Education of the Abai region" Galiya Makhsutovna Rakhimzhanova: "Mobile komek kyzmet zhobasynin iske asyryluy";                          ⚜️ Suleimenova Aisulu Nurlanovna - psychologist of the KGP at the PCV "OCPZ" UZ of the Abai region: "Mental health in the modern world";                                                                                                                                               ⚜️ Alimzhanova Arailym Magashevna- director of the autism center Asyl Miras of the Abai region: "Inclusive education of children with autism"; Abai Ayaulym Kuanyshkyzy - teacher-psychologist of KSU "SOSH" No. 19 Families': "Psychological features of inclusive education at school"
At the end of the round table, feedback was provided, letters of thanks and certificates were presented to the participants.
