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In accordance with the plan of the methodological seminar, a seminar for teachers of the department was organized on October 30 at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.

2023-10-31 | News

In accordance with the plan of the methodological seminar, a seminar for teachers of the department was organized on October 30 at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.
At the seminar, teachers exchanged experiences. Senior teacher R. Zh. Mukhmetova introduced active learning strategies: the intellectual game “4 doors” and “cross-questioning”, used to consolidate and summarize the lesson in order to increase the activity of knowledge acquisition.
Senior teacher Salkinbaeva A.M. presented the “Propp map” technique. In a preschool educational institution, in order to develop speech and creative imagination of children aged 4-7 years, the visual fairy tale mapping method is used.
Senior teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Kulmysheva focused on the specifics of using the “FAN” method. Having folded the paper in the shape of a fan, students write answers to questions related to the lesson completed, for the second question they write a short answer to the second part of the fan. This is how they are asked questions on the past topic and parts of the fan are filled in. Complement each other depending on the students' answers.
During the methodological seminar, senior lecturer, PhD, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Zhilgildinova M.Zh. acquainted the teaching staff with the features of the educational interactive resource Wordwall. Wordwall is a universal educational resource that helps solve one of the main tasks of the educational process - increasing student motivation.
The methodological seminar was very interesting and effective, the “treasury” of teachers’ knowledge was replenished with several methods.
