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Educational programs
6B01402 - Musical Education
The group of educational programs B006 Music Teacher Training is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences.

2022 year - 13th place 2023 year - 1st place The educational program "B01402 Music Education" implemented by the Department of "Music and Art" of the Faculty of Humanities and Economics, NAO "Shakarim Semey University" regulates the goals, expected results, content, graduate model in this field of training, learning outcomes and acquired competencies, prepares for teaching activities in the field of compulsory and additional education, the field of musical art. In addition to learning to play two instruments, voice production, conducting, ensemble performance, students will be offered the study of modern disciplines: pop vocals, sound engineering, music production, learning the basics of music therapy, composition, improvisation and arrangement of musical works. According to the educational program "Music Education" there are 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences, one Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 6 masters of pedagogical sciences, laureates of International and Republican competitions. There is equipment for a sound recording laboratory, a chamber hall, a computer room, the necessary tools for the training of music teachers, opportunities for the development of individual characteristics of students.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
4 year
Тraining of bachelors for implementation of educational activity in the educational institutions of various type owning the necessary sum of knowledge, skills capable to realize them in musical and pedagogical activity.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Music Education
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Teacher (music teacher, teacher of subjects in the system of additional music education, teacher of music disciplines in secondary special educational institutions, music director in a preschool organization)
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
  • Object of professional activity
    General education institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); organizations of secondary special, preschool education and all types of organizations of additional music education
  • Types of professional activity
    Cultural and educational activities Educational program Organizational and managerial structure Project information Educational and technological training Experimental and research work
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Fundamentals of social and humanitarian knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.

Module 2. Psychological-pedagogical and methodological training of personnel

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module allows you to form an idea of human anatomy and physiology, age-related features, the patterns of higher nervous activity and functional features of the human nervous system are considered. The formation of students' systematic understanding of the most important mental characteristics of a child's developing personality based on the consideration of psychophysiological norms, basic patterns of mental and physiological development in ontogenesis: age psychology and physiology, pedagogy, educational practice, inclusive education, updated educational program and technology of criteria assessment, pedagogical practice, Involves the development of disciplines of pedagogical practice (psychological and pedagogical). As a result, students gain solid knowledge and skills that serve as the basis for further professional and academic growth.

Module 3. Theoretical and musicological training

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module is aimed at gaining knowledge about the patterns of creating a musical melody, developing the level of musical culture of a future music teacher and the ability to analyze choral and instrumental works, identify patterns of figurative content. And it helps to understand the hidden driving forces of musical development, the processes of musical creativity, the functioning of psychological systems of musical activity. For this purpose, it is planned: an introduction to the elementary theory of harmonic elements and music, the study of solfeggio, harmony and analysis of musical works, the history of music, and the arrangement of musical works. As a result, educational and cognitive competencies and value-semantic competencies are formed for selected specialties, ways of interpreting new knowledge, optimal ways of musical education and training, musical and psychological development of the personality as a whole.

Module 4. Methodical preparation

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module is one of the main subjects of the musical and pedagogical cycle. Its content is aimed at the formation of the musical and pedagogical culture of the future teacher - musician. Within the framework of this discipline, theoretical knowledge in the field of methods of musical education and upbringing will be mastered. In the course of practical training, musical and pedagogical skills are formed and developed. The issues of students acquiring skills in planning and organizing experimental work in the discipline "methods of teaching music", "methodology of music education", "musical psychology", "fundamentals of musical psychotherapy" are reflected. As a result, a demonstration of basic knowledge in the field of pedagogy is achieved when conducting classes in modern school conditions using various methods and techniques.

Module 5. Musical and instrumental training

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module introduces music teachers to the traditions of performing on a musical instrument, the origins of classical and folk music culture. To know the basics of music theory, its patterns, artistic and expressive means, its main directions and styles. Formation of individual and ensemble playing skills. For this purpose, it is planned: instrumental performance, musical instrument, main musical instrument, vocal and solfeggio class, voice production, pop vocals, fundamentals of choral conducting, fundamentals of conducting art, sound engineering, performing skills of a music teacher, selection and simplification of accompaniment, workshop of the repertoire of a school song, additional musical instrument, musical production. As a result, students gain solid knowledge and skills that serve as the basis for further professional and academic growth in industrial practice.

Module 6. Vocal and choral training

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is based on the issues of vocal and choral work of a future music teacher: the formation of proper singing, familiarity with the types of conducting movements, and the education of musical hearing. In the theoretical part, an introduction to the singer's vocal apparatus, the concept of unison. The practical part of the discipline is intended for visual demonstration of work with various types of breathing and sound formation. Within the framework of this course, diction skills are formed, skills of continuous singing with chain breathing, singing exercises on the ratio of vowels and consonants in various types of vocal and choral techniques–legato, staccato, singing. As a result, future professions develop competent reading of scores and scores with the development of pure intonation in two- or three-voice singing.