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Educational programs
6B02101 - Design
The group of educational programs B031 Fashion, design is included in the field of education 6B02 Arts and Humanities.

2022 year - unrepresentative data 2023 year - 10th place The content of the educational program provides for the preparation of bachelors in several areas of design.The purpose of the OP is to train bachelors-designers with high creative activity, in demand in the modern labor market, who are not able to solve design tasks in a standard way and offer fundamentally new solutions in design activities.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for training in the field of study "6B021 - Arts" is the development by the student of at least 265 credits of theoretical training, at least 27 professional practices, at least 8 credits for writing and defending a thesis or preparing and passing a comprehensive exam. Only 300 credits.
Preparation of bachelors-designers, in demand in the modern labor market, with a high level of creative activity, capable of not standard to solve design problems and offer radically new solutions in project activities
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Arts in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - art manager; - advertising designer; - interior designer; - fashion designer; - designer of printing products.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Production, design and design organizations, advertising and design agencies
  • Object of professional activity
    - project organizations; - advertising agencies; - organization of production; - organizations of the textile industry; - fashion design institutions.
  • Types of professional activity
    - design and development (under the guidance of a specialist designer): includes the development of concepts, projects, layouts, models of new objects, ensembles, products, and products; - organizational and managerial: provides for mastering professional computer programs in the field of organization and management of project activities, studying the forms, principles, strategies of entrepreneurial and financial activities in the context of competition and business.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Fundamentals of social and humanitarian knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.

Module 2. Introduction to visual activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module includes the study of the application of modern teaching technologies and criterion-based assessment, taking into account the individual, physiological and psychological characteristics of students.

Module 3. Fundamentals of professional activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

In this module, in order to form skills for the wide application of fundamental knowledge of modern design in solving creative tasks in professional activities, it is planned to study the following disciplines: Fundamentals of design, Typology of interior spaces, Ergonomics, Methods of compositional solutions, Landscape design, etc. It also develops the generation of new ideas, the ability to analyze information, make informed decisions, the ability to connect unrelated elements to create new concepts, work in a team and communicate effectively. All this helps students to successfully cope with creative tasks at work, as well as develop their professional potential.

Module 4. Advertising Basics

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes the study by students of the basic concepts and methods of developing advertising products, with the content and features of advertising activities in the modern world; to study the main stages of advertising development; to reveal the essence of the advertising process, to determine the place of advertising in the marketing communications system, to study the types of advertising and means of its distribution; to promote the development of creative activity of students, communication skills and professional competence. As a result, gain skills in the field of advertising design, while working in modern advertising agencies and printing companies, using various methods and techniques.

Module 5. Designing

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module will include the following areas: introduction and fundamentals of design, study of design objects, perspective in the interior, stylistic solutions. The main attention will be paid to the correct formation of the categories that make up the design solution, taking into account style, design, functionality, convenience, ergonomics and other aspects. In the practical part, students will master the visualization of their ideas in the form of sketches and their further development in the project. They will also learn how to competently conduct author's supervision. Development of skills in using technical and software tools of a computer system for the preparation and processing of graphic images, as well as the creation of animated images.

Module 6. Fashion

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes disciplines that instill additional skills and competencies necessary for a future fashion designer. When studying this module, students have the opportunity to master a creative approach to the decoration of clothes, during the training students will study the types and classification, their purpose, as well as the manufacturing technology of most of them. By studying this module, students will also master ways to determine body types, take measurements, distribute gains in the development of product design by sections, determine the balance of the product, build the basic design of the product, perform the necessary calculations, design individual parts of the product.