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Educational programs
6B01301 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education
The group of educational programs B003 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences.

2022 year - 28th place 2023 year - 1st place Educational program 6В01301 Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education, implemented State University named after Shakarim of Semey city,in the faculty of Humanities, Department of pedagogy tailored to the needs of the regional labour market, the requirements of the normative documents of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for organization of educational process. The uniqueness of the educational program 6B01301 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education consists in the multidisciplinary approach that combines diagnostic, organizational and technological, managerial and pedagogical, project, research activities aimed at forming the professional activity of a teacher in the field of education and science. Much attention in the organization of the educational program is paid to practice-oriented learning technologies that allow competently organizing the process of updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The educational program is focused not only on the transfer of a system of theoretical knowledge, but, first of all, on the ability to apply this knowledge to solve real problems, i.e., on the formation of a basic level of professional competencies. Graduates of the educational program 6B01301 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education have the opportunity to carry out professional activities in a wide area of the education system. A special role in the educational program is given to the formation of students ' professional competencies. Formed competencies enable them to carry out activities in the management system education: IU-modesty educational organizations (secondary schools, colleges), experts from training institutes, specialists of departments of education, teachers of ungraded schools, etc., and also to carry out the pedagogical process in the field of in-clusive education tailored to children with special needs. the content of the disciplines included in the educational program 6b01301 pedagogy and methods of primary education is agreed with employers and is in demand in the market of educational services The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
4 years.
Training of highly qualified personnel in the field of pedagogy and methods of primary education, proficient in modern innovative pedagogical approaches.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Teacher. Primary school teacher
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
    6 (sublevels 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4) (Appendix to the Order of the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Area of professional activity
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6В01301 pedagogics and methods of primary education carries out its activities in the field of education and science.
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of the bachelor of education under the educational program 6В01301 pedagogics and methods of primary education are educational institutions (the initial stage of general education schools, teacher training colleges, institutes of advanced training and retraining of teachers, departments of education).
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the educational program 6В01301 pedagogy and methodology of primary education can perform the following types of professional activities: - diagnostic-study of the student's personality, learning outcomes, upbringing and development; - organizational and technological (organization of the process of training and education based on pedagogical technologies); - managerial and pedagogical (interaction "subject-subject", management in education); - project (modeling of education in primary school); - research (creative search in solving problems of education, study of pedagogical experience, reflection).
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Social sciencies

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrates current knowledge in matters of historical, socio-economic, political and cultural development; applies knowledge about society as an integral system and a person, the role of spiritual processes in modern society, forms the need for philosophical reflection, allowing to expand the foundations of humanitarian and natural science knowledge of the individual.

Language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possess the skills of using Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages in various types of professional and social activities, taking into account the formation of a competitive personality, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in this field and the development of critical thinking of students

Specialization disciplines

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possess knowledge in the field of the theory of pedagogical integration, mastering the skills and abilities of combining knowledge in various fields of subjects to solve pedagogical problems, understanding the system of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills, knowledge of the professional duty of a teacher.

Theory and methods of teaching private-methodical disciplines

Learning outcomes for the module:

Carries out educational and methodological support of the pedagogical process, evaluates, plans, educational and educational process in primary school, owns the tools of pedagogical research, has the skills of criterion assessment;

Profile specialization

Learning outcomes for the module:

To improve knowledge in the field of holistic pedagogical process, taking into account the ethno-cultural heritage, in order to improve and consolidate during the passage of various types of practices, the application of theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account a specific socio-pedagogical situation

Professional pedagogy

Learning outcomes for the module:

Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to solve educational and practical problems in the use of modern teaching methods, educational technologies in teaching private methods, taking into account updated educational programs