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03/13.24 in building 9, in auditorium 218 at 12.00 p.m. conducts psychological training on the topic: "Team building training" for 1st year students of ITF.


The psychological service of the NAO "Shakarim Semey University" together with the Department of "Pedagogy" - 03/13.24 in building 9, in auditorium 218 at 12.00 p.m. conducts psychological training on the topic: "Team building training" for 1st year students of ITF.
The purpose of the training is to develop the student's personal image of himself as a necessary member of the group, faculty, university. 
The training was attended by: 1st year students of ITF.

The organizers of the event are the psychological service of the University and the Department of Pedagogy (Satieva Sh.S., Edigenova A. Zh., Kurebaeva G. A., Abisheva Sh. Sh.)