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Scientific seminar

2023-10-20 | Science

Shakarim University, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Department of Art and Music 7М01403 - at the preliminary discussion meeting of the thesis prepared for the master's degree in fine arts and drawing:
- "Modern painting methods" by Erbol Tulepbergenovich Bekishev (scientific supervisor: Myrzakanov Madvakas Seksembaevich, Ph.D.);
- A scientific seminar was held by Bolatbayev Kuanysh Talgatuly on the topics "Features and educational possibilities of the natural, historical development of Kazakh traditional visual art in the 20th century" (scientific supervisor: Tatiev Yerkebulan Yertisuly, senior lecturer, PhD).
* As a result, the thesis works of two master's students were heard, and the members of the commission appointed by the fine arts department of the department gave their evaluations.
* In the conclusion, critical comments were made on the introductory and main sections of the dissertation on the scientific research works heard. It was also said that the commission boards will approve the person responsible for the norm control procedure, and the research works of the graduate students will be subject to norm control in March.
 As a reminder, this is the second scientific seminar meeting of the Department of Visual Arts. Nurgazezova Almagul Nurgazezovna, head of the post-graduate education department of our university, participated in the first meeting of the preliminary discussion of the dissertation and held a special seminar.
