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As part of the ten-day period of the Department of Music and Art of the NJSC Shakarim University of Semey, open classes were held for teaching staff in their special disciplines taught.

2023-10-13 | Science

On October 13, in the 134th classroom of the 8th educational building, an open lesson of the doctor of philosophy (PhD), senior teacher of the department of music and art R.B. Orazalieva with practical content was held. From the subject "Drawing 2" in the group DZ-201 "Drama with elements of plaster bodies".
      The lesson was held at a very good scientific and methodological level. During the lesson, a test questionnaire was used on the topic "Composition in a drawing" from the subject "Drawing-2".
       The purpose of the lesson: To correctly convey the surrounding reality through pictures. Understanding the laws of the structure of the shape of objects and being able to use them in the practice of image composition.
      The objectives of the lesson are to master the rules of graphic representation and the laws of form creation. Observing the laws of the structural structure of the shape of things, highlighting their most characteristic features. Knowing the laws of perspective construction of a realistic image on a plane, as well as solving problems of light distribution to objects.
       In general, students successfully fulfilled their goals.
