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Open lesson on the topic: “Work on vocal breathing and correct sound production in the discipline “Vocal class and solfege 1”, as a necessary condition for the formation of singing skills.”

2023-10-10 | Science

The lesson was held on October 10, 2023. Student of group MO-201 Rakhym B. First year of study.
This open lesson is dedicated to working on proper breathing while singing, as well as how to correctly explain and show the student the right path in singing so that the voice always sounds beautiful and coherent, regardless of the registers and nuances in the vocal work.
The goal of the lesson is to achieve meaningful, correct breathing, which will subsequently become automatic, as well as the student’s awareness of where to direct the sound when singing so that it always sounds beautiful and without much physical effort.
Lesson objectives:
1. Teach how to breathe correctly with the help of simple breathing exercises, working out this mechanism through special breathing exercises;
2. Achieve pure intonation in all registers in singing and works;
3. achieve high-quality performance of selected works, in character, with comprehension of the artistic text and image;
4. develop, strengthen and heal the entire respiratory system;
5. develop mobility of the soft palate, economy of exhalation, respiratory support;
6. cultivate musical taste, independent judgment, and personal activity.
