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Olympiad in the discipline of history

2024-02-07 | News

February 07, 2024 the Department of History held the 2nd stage of the Olympiad on history among schoolchildren for the awarding of the "Shakarim Educational Grant" in the framework of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Shakarim University. Jury members considered and evaluated the projects sent by schoolchildren from different regions of the region for compliance with the requirements of the Olympiad. 

Chairman of the jury - the head of the representative office of JSC NCPC "Orleu" in Abay region - R.N.Iskakova. Members of the jury: Professor of the Department of History of the Shakarim University of Semey, Doctor of Historical Sciences. K.K. Baysarina, history teacher of the pedagogical college named after M.O. Auezov N.Ә. Sagymbekov, history teacher Nazarbayev Intellectual School D.T.Kemeshev and senior lecturer of the department, Candidate of Historical Sciences T.A.Karieva. 

At the end of the Olympiad all participants were awarded certificates, leaders were awarded letters of thanks.
