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2023-03-14 | News

About 100 students were enrolled in Coursera at the Department of pedagogy and psychology. Currently, there are students who have received certificates by completing the course in each educational program. In particular, the time management course for professional and personal performance was completed by Nuradil Akerke, Zhanibek Azhar from the do 201 group. Do 903 passed 7 students on the topic of time management for professional and personal productivity, received a certificate. PmNo-905 on the topic of time management for professional and personal productivity, 4 students passed, received a certificate. On the topic of time management for professional and personal productivity, 2 students of Do-101C, 2 students of Do-101 passed, received a certificate. PH 201
Orazgalieva Arailym
Kalikanova Zhuldyz
Sadvakasova Aida
Elvira Mukhambetovna leading teams: creating an effective team culture 4 students received certificates. PmNo - 001 group
1) 21st century workplace relationships: 2 students received certificates
2) Art of negotiation: 3 students received certificates
3) Organization Management: 1 student received a certificate
