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25th anniversary of the Chingistau Archaeological Expedition

2023-11-08 | News

At the Faculty of Humanities and Economics of Shakarim University with the participation of scientists and students, a round table dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Chingistau Archaeological Expedition was held. The expedition, organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Semipalatinsk State University in 1999 and 2002, studied a number of Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Turkic monuments in Chingistau.

    The initiators of the round table in those years were university student Kanat Ensenov and students of the "Archaeologist and Paleographer" circle of the faculty. The students were shown photo slides from the history of the expedition and given explanations.

   Scientist of the Institute of State History K. Ensenov told about the organization of the expedition in 1999. Almaty scientists Tattigul Ersayynkyzy Kartaeva, Gulnar Bestibaikyzy Kozganbaeva and Zhandos Zhumalbekuly Kumganbaev, who took part in the round table, shared the results of their research and wished the students success in their studies.
