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Mukataeva Zaure

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences
  • 87756731471
  • Zaure28.71@mail.ru
  • Glinka st. 20a
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B01 - Pedagogical sciences
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B015 - Humanities teacher training
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01601 History
  • Atameken rating: 2022 year - 17th place 2022 year - 1st place
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Akhmetova Raushan

Program Manager
  • candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor
  • 87753025816
  • r.d.akhmetova@mail.ru
  • Glinka str. 20 A
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M01 - Pedagogical sciences
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M016 - Training history teachers
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of Pedagogical Sciences under the educational programme 7М01601- History
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Abenova Gulnur

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences
  • +77027256972
  • g.abenova@shakarim.kz
  • 159/3 Shugaev St.
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 8D01 - Pedagogical sciences
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: D016 - Training of history teachers
  • Awarded degree / qualification: doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D01601 History
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